Q, only a few days left until the opening.
A, it felt like it went by in a flash. Although it doesn't feel real until the season starts, it feels like we've come this far in an instant since the camp began. Right now, I don't feel any nerves and I have a strong desire to do my best.
Q, Did you have a significant experience playing in various games last season?
A, yes. Last season, I was able to play consistently and gain various experiences, which I think was a big factor.
Q: With a lot of experience, is it easier to imagine how to play?
A, I was also able to play in the Urawa game last season, so I have some idea of what to expect.
Q, every player I talk to says they feel pretty confident. I've heard that you've mainly focused on the attacking side, but how do you feel about your current momentum from a defensive player's perspective?
A, watching from behind or actually participating in the attack, I feel that we are able to advance our attack more advantageously compared to last season, and we often feel that we are always in control. Instead of adjusting to the opponent's movements, we have a good sense of being able to play the way we aim for.
Q: Is it safe to say that the team has gained confidence as the tactics have become more ingrained?
A, yes. We have a common understanding as a team, and I think that what we have built up since last season is starting to take shape as confidence that "we can do it". I also feel growth both as an individual and as a team while playing.
Q: Your position seems to be higher during attacks compared to last season.
A, last season, I didn't have many opportunities to be the starting point of attacks from the side, so the coach told me that I could increase my goals by doing so, and I've been conscious of that since the camp. Also, I think we're gradually forming as a team. Personally, I'm good at attacking, so it's natural for me to defend, but I'm really enjoying being able to participate in the attack more than last season.
Q, I think it's important not to let the number of goals increase. It's necessary to consider balance and play as a defensive line.
A, it is natural to have 0 goals conceded, but instead of being too defensive, I think we can eliminate goals by taking control of the game and playing offensively. In order to reduce goals conceded, it is important to improve the quality of defense, but also to increase the quality of attack and ball possession.
Q, What are your thoughts for this season, as you hear the words "league champions" from all players?
Although we are not aiming for the league championship, it is important to approach each game as if it were the final round and that is what our coach has been telling us. I have also been playing with that mindset since the training camp, so if each of us can win in one-on-one situations, I believe we will achieve great results. Our focus right now is to win the opening game and get off to a good start.
Q, are you feeling the most fulfilled and calm at this point?
A, I don't have much composure. I have a little bit of impatience, but I have more positive worries, and I have been involved in games since returning last season, so in that sense, I think I am the most fulfilled.
Q, I have seen you struggle with your worries, so I think the phrase "positive worries" is a really good one.
A, I would say it's a positive worry, but I've learned to see it in a positive way. Just having strong-minded players like Yuto NAGATOMO around me has made me more positive in my thinking. Before, I used to focus too much on the negative things and it made me more and more negative, but now I feel like I have a really positive mindset.
Q, is it more like being naturally pulled along by practicing in the same space rather than actively seeking advice?
A, there is a feeling of being naturally pulled along, and I really feel that this person is amazing.
Q, how do you feel about the opening game being the first time in a long time that 100% capacity and full voice cheering have been allowed?
A, just before the corona pandemic, I felt the atmosphere when I was on the bench in the away game against Shimizu in my first year as a professional. However, I didn't play in that game, and it will be the first time in my life to play a game with the audience in the entire stadium, so I'm looking forward to what will happen if I can play in the game. I'm looking forward to the opening game at Ajinomoto Stadium, where I have never been on the bench before.
Q: Is the opening game different when you enter as a key player from the start?
A, our previous camps have been filled with irregularities such as injuries and the Levain Cup final, so this is the first time we have been involved in a starting lineup competition from the beginning. In that sense, I feel like the camp has gone by in an instant. Compared to before, I feel a stronger determination towards the opening game.
Q, I feel like there has been an increase in plays where players in the midfield connect and break through while moving forward.
A, I have been playing more in the front, and I have been trying and erroring at camps and practices. It's not perfect yet, but I'm starting to grasp it more and more intuitively.
Q, How is your relationship with Morishige?
A, as you can see, he is a great player. He watches me closely when I move, and instead of trying to play with Morishige, he watches me when I move. We are conscious of running with trust because he will make the best choice if we create various options.
Q, I think I am absorbing and growing in various ways.
A, since joining the top team, under the previous coach Hasegawa's style of soccer, the fullbacks were actively involved in attacking and defending, but since coach Albert took over, it has completely changed. I am now playing a style of soccer that I have never played before. The fullbacks now have to think about moving inside or staying wide, and sometimes switch positions with the defensive midfielder. I used to struggle with this because I wasn't used to thinking about my play, but on the other hand, if I can absorb this style of soccer, I believe it will open up more possibilities for me. Since last season, little by little, I feel that my playing style has expanded compared to before I met coach Albert.
Q: When interviewing Keigo HIGASHI, I asked about the characteristics of each player. He said that if he could become a kind person on the pitch, he might become the world's best side back.
I don't feel that there is much kindness on the pitch, but I also think it would be good if I could be more aggressive, and I want to be more conscious of that this year because everyone tells me so.
Q: What is your goal for this season?
A, I will keep it in my mind, but it is clearly there.