2019.9.07[Match Information]

[Re-posting/Change] Regarding the rules for watching the G Osaka match on 9/8 (Sun)

【9/7 (Sat) 16:35 Reposting/Change】
※We have changed the red part.

The 2nd leg of the 2019 J.League YBC Levain Cup Prime Stage Quarterfinals against Gamba Osaka will be held at NACK5 Stadium Omiya on Sunday, September 8th.

Please be informed of the following spectator manners and confirm them in advance before coming to the venue.

※Due to the approaching typhoon, the kickoff time has been changed. Therefore, the distribution and assembly times for the waiting line have also been changed. We apologize for the inconvenience.

□Target Match
Sep 8 (Sun), 2019 J League YBC Levain Cup Prime Stage Quarterfinals 2nd Leg
FC Tokyo vs Gamba Osaka
(16:30 Kickoff/NACK5 Stadium Omiya)

□About the waiting line (home/visitor)
・Please refrain from reserving seats or putting up sheets until the day before the game, as it may cause inconvenience to the facility and the surrounding area.
・On the day of the game, we will distribute numbered tickets at "Gate 1," "Gate 2," and "Gate 3" starting from 10:0011:30. Please refer to the following for the corresponding gate for each seat type.
・There are two types of tickets: "priority entrance" and "general entrance." Please be aware of which type you receive.
・Once you receive your ticket, please leave the stadium. You will need to gather again at the designated time written on your ticket.
※We plan to gather at 15:0013:00 for "priority" and 16:0013:45 for "general."
・When reassembling, please line up in the order of the number written on the numbered ticket. The numbered ticket number will be given in ascending order from the front (not random). 
・Once you have regrouped, you will not be able to leave the line, so please understand.
・If you are late for the reunion, you may not be able to secure your spot. Please be aware.
・When receiving a numbered ticket, we will check your entry ticket. Even if you have multiple tickets, we will only give you one.
・When receiving the "SOCIO Priority Admission" ticket, you will need to purchase a ticket at "SOCIO Special Sales". Please note that "Priority Admission Tickets" cannot be provided with a combination of SOCIO card presentation and general tickets.
・Please note that seat placement by pasting on the day before and on the day of the match is strictly prohibited.

□Entrance Gate
(1)Gate 1: Home General Admission
(2)Gate 2: Main Reserved Seat
(3)Gate 3: Visitor General Admission
*Re-entry is not allowed.
For those using the wheelchair seats on the FC Tokyo side, please go to the ticket booth or Gate 1 on the day of the match. For those using the wheelchair seats on the Gamba Osaka side, please go to Gate 2 and inform the staff nearby. We will guide you to your seats. (For Gamba Osaka fans, entrance will only be allowed through Gate 2 for those using wheelchair seats).

Banner (flag, banner) display
The location for displaying banners (flags, banners, etc.) has been determined. Please refrain from displaying them in locations other than the designated area. Please follow the instructions of the staff when displaying them.

[FC Tokyo Banner Submission Designated Location for Visitors]
・FC Tokyo Banner
Home General Admission (1st Floor Standing Seats Front Row, 2nd Floor Stand Seats, Back Side Stand Last Row)
・Visitor Team Banner
Visitor General Admission (1st Floor Standing Seats Front Row, 2nd Floor Stand Seats)

Other Prohibited Items
- Banners (flags, banners, etc.) that may be considered defamatory or discriminatory are prohibited from being displayed or acted upon. As a general societal norm, and as a club, if we determine that it constitutes defamation or discrimination, we will remove the display items, issue a warning for the action, and if it continues, ask for the person to leave. In addition, if such prohibited actions are taken, there may be a penalty of being banned from entering future games.
・Use gum tape when attaching a banner.
・Main Stand, Back Stand, and Visitor General Admission (excluding standing seats) do not allow bringing in large flags (large flag: size 1,015mm×1,575㎜, pole length exceeding 1,500㎜).

Additional Rules at NACK5 Stadium Omiya
- Bringing and using trumpets is prohibited
・Do not cause inconvenience to nearby residents (prohibited to use drums and other musical instruments after 21:00)

Please comply with the J.League Unified Prohibition Rules (J.League Common Spectator Etiquette & Rules) and the FC Tokyo Soccer Match Management Regulations.
※For more information, please click here