2022 TV anime adaptation announced, special collaboration between the best-selling new soccer manga in Reiwa, "Blue Lock," and J1 League soccer club, FC Tokyo!
A collaboration match will be held on October 23rd (Sat) between FC Tokyo and Kashima Antlers (kickoff at 2:00 PM / Ajinomoto Stadium), with an exhibition corner set up!
We will exhibit replica original paintings, collaborate design posters, and signed color papers with messages from the original author Muneyuki Kaneshiro and manga artist Yusuke Imamura.
In addition, life-size panels featuring original illustrations that can also be enjoyed as photo spots will be on display!
Exhibition Content (Planned)
・Replica Originals (15 pieces)
・Life-size panel (Kiyoshi KIYOSEI, Seishiro NAGI, Hagoromo MEGURI, Diego OLIVEIRA, Adailton, Leandro)
・FC Tokyo x Blue Lock Collaboration Design Poster
・Blue Lock Illustration Poster
・Original Story/ Muneaki Kaneshiro, Manga/ Yusuke Nomura Signed Autograph Color Paper with Message
□Exhibition Location
Main Gate 5 (Inside the Stadium)
□Exhibition Time
Open (12:00)~Until Half Time
Limited to visitors to the exhibition corner!
Enter the lottery to win "Color Reproduction Original Painting" and "Signed Colored Paper with Message" on display!
Be sure to visit Ajinomoto Stadium and enjoy the "FC Tokyo x Blue Lock" exhibition corner!
For more information on other collaboration details, please see below.
⇙・『FC Tokyo × Blue Lock』10/23 Kashima Blue Lock Seat Sale!
・FC Tokyo x Blue Lock Collaboration Campaign supported by mechacomic
・FC Tokyo x Blue Lock Collaboration Goods Sale Announcement
・10/23(Sat) Kashima Match FC Tokyo x Blue Lock Original Design Booklet Giveaway!
・FC Tokyo x Blue Lock Special Collaboration Illustration Release!
・FC Tokyo x Blue Lock Special Collaboration Movie Release
・10/23 Kashima Match FC Tokyo x Blue Lock Special Collaboration Sticker Distribution
・10/23 Kashima Match Blue Lock Seat Sale
・Installation of "FC Tokyo NEWS vol.181" using collaboration visuals
・Display of B1 posters using collaboration visuals