Player Yuta ARAI (Masahira High School), who is scheduled to join the 2023 season, has been approved by the Japan Football Association as a "2022 JFA/J-League Special Designated Player" as of today. His jersey number will be 48.
【Yuta ARAI Player Profile】
Position: MF
Date of Birth: June 13, 2004
□Hometown: Saitama Prefecture
□Height/Weight: 174cm/70kg
Blood type: A
2012-2017.3 FC Shiraoka Minami
2017.4-2020.3 FC LAVIDA
2020.4- Shohei High School
National Team History
2021 U-17 Japan National Team Candidate, 2021 Japan High School Selection
□Appeal Point
An attacking MF with both physical strength and technique. Creates chances with sharp dribbling and adds variety to the attack.
□Yuta ARAI Player Comment
『I have been designated as a special player for this season and I am Yuta ARAI from Shohei High School, where I have been confirmed to join in the 2023 season. First of all, I will work hard in my daily practice to be able to play in games. I will do my best to contribute to FC Tokyo's title acquisition. Thank you for your support.』