A collaboration project with "Detective Conan" to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the J-League, the TV anime "Detective Conan" (behind the scenes of the J-League final) has been decided to be broadcasted. It will be aired on Yomiuri TV and Nippon TV networks from 6:00 pm on Saturday, May 13th.
Kuryu MATSUKI from FC Tokyo will appear as himself. We are also cooperating with the recording of the immersive audio at the stadium.
Please take a look.
【Broadcast Station/Program Name】
Yomiuri TV/Nippon TV Network
"Detective Conan"
Episode 1083 (Behind the Scenes of the J-League Final)
【Broadcast Date and Time】
May 13, 2023 (Saturday) 18:00-18:30
Conan takes on the incidents that occur at the stadium and its surroundings where the match between Kawasaki Frontale and FC Tokyo is held. Kuryu MATSUKI will appear as himself.
"<J League 30th Anniversary Match> Kawasaki Frontale vs. FC Tokyo. Conan and the Junior Detective League, who participated in the special event, had a great time. However, when they returned to their seats after the event, Haibara was in a bad mood for some reason. She had wanted to hold hands with her idol, Big Osaka's Higo, and enter the stadium, but she had gotten the date of the match wrong. Haibara, who was dissatisfied with the team's loss and the poor performance of Sanada, who she admired... was sitting next to him! While watching the match together, Haibara sensed something strange in the stands.
【Kuryu MATSUKI Player Comment】
"It was my first time doing voice acting for an anime, so it was very difficult. However, it was a unique experience and I had fun doing it. It didn't go perfectly on the first try, but I think it only took me about 10 minutes to do my voice acting. I think it went smoothly."
As a generation that grew up watching the anime, I was very happy and honored to receive the story. Before doing the voice recording this time, I also watched the new movie in advance. It also included elements of soccer, and Conan-kun showed some amazing acrobatic plays.
I realized that I am not suited for voice acting, but I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in anime dubbing and gain this experience. Next, I hope to also contribute to the excitement of the Tama River Clasico on the soccer field."