Sep 23 (Sat, Holiday) 2023 Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance J1 League Sec. 28 vs Sagan Tosu (Kickoff at 3:00 PM/Ajinomoto Stadium), we have decided to hold a talk live by members who have appeared on the past cheering program as part of the FC Tokyo 25th anniversary project. We would like to inform you about this.
Welcoming guest Amaral, also known as "KING OF TOKYO," to talk about 25 years of memories and highlights of the match on the day.
Please enjoy "AO-AKA PARK supported by TOKYO GAS" before the match!
September 23, 2023 (Sat)
2023 Meiji Yasuda Life J1 League
Sec. 28 FC Tokyo vs Sagan Tosu
(Kickoff at 3:00 PM/Ajinomoto Stadium)
◇Tickets arehere
Location and Time of Implementation
AO-AKA PARK supported by TOKYO GAS South Side Plaza (Azipanda Plaza) Temporary Stage
【Event Time】
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
□ Performers
・Takumi Tsuchiya
・Jonathan Siga
After the Soul! Talk Live, please enjoy the "TOKYO DORONPA BIRTHDAY PARTY supported by mechacomic" at the special stage.
◇For more detailsclick here