
"National Tenkashi" Announcement of Yuhei TOKUNAGA Player's Autograph Session

We are pleased to announce that with the cooperation of the National Asahidori Shopping Association, FC Tokyo merchandise will be sold at the local event "National Tenkashi" (11/4-6), and a signing event with player Yuhei TOKUNAGA will be held on 11/6 (Sun) at 15:00 (scheduled). We look forward to your visit!

Event Name
"National Tenkai City"

□ Date and Time of Autograph Session
November 6, 2016 (Sun) 15:00-16:00 (scheduled)
※ On the day, we will distribute numbered tickets to the first 100 people (limit one per person) at the same venue from 14:00.
※ Please note that if the waiting line reaches 100 people before the distribution time to avoid congestion at the festival venue, we may distribute the tickets before 14:00. Thank you for your understanding in advance.

□ Venue
JR Chuo Line National Station South Exit University Street
National Asahi Street Shopping District Tent No.79
※ From the south exit of National Station, head towards Hitotsubashi University on the left side of University Street

□ Participating Players (Scheduled)
Player Yuhei TOKUNAGA

※ Players may be subject to sudden changes.

□ Implementation Details
Autograph Session (Autograph boards are sold at the venue)
※ A numbered ticket (limited to one per person) is required to participate in the autograph session.
※ We plan to sign in order of early sorting numbers.

◇"City Event Schedule" with participation from FC Tokyo is here