"As the 9th installment of the 2015 FC Tokyo Monthly Goods, we will be selling the "SavileRogue x F.C.TOKYO Kashima Cashmere Scarf" starting on November 22nd (Sunday)."
Now, what is SAVILE ROGUE, the hottest trend item in the European football world?
In the past, the viewing item for English football was the wool bar scarf (muffler) made of natural materials expressed in club colors.
The highest quality fine cashmere (the highest grade of cashmere) is used 100% for the main body to completely reproduce the historic item that was supported by receiving player's signatures on the scarf (muffler). The fringe (made of cotton material) is attached by hand using traditional methods, making it the first release in Japan!
Now, we have become able to produce the official highest-class supporter scarf of the major European leagues, including the Premier League and Bundesliga.
This is the "Ultimate Supporter Scarf" with a Seville Rogue original gift box and a card tag with plenty of old-fashioned feeling.
◇Sevilla Rogue Official Site here
□ "2015 FC Tokyo Monthly Goods" 9th Edition
SavileRogue×F.C.TOKYO Kashima Muffler
【Price】18,000 yen (excluding tax)
[Production Quantity] 25 points *Sales will end as soon as sold out
【Sales Start Date】November 22 (Sunday)
【Sales Location】
・Home Side Merchandise Shop Inside the Stadium
・EUROSPORT Ajinomoto Stadium Store
・FC Tokyo Official Homepage "Online Shop" (also available on smartphone site) *Sales will start from November 23rd (Mon). If sold out, there will be no sales.
*Online shop is here
※Smartphone site is here
About "2015 FC Tokyo Monthly Goods"
We will also be offering "2015 FC Tokyo Monthly Goods" from March to November this season. In addition to cheering goods, we will release a variety of products in limited quantities every month.