2018.8.03[Home Town Activities]

[Additional Information] Announcement of "2018 Summer Festival in Kodaira" Player Talk Show & Autograph Session

A talk show and autograph session with FC Tokyo players will be held at the "2018 Summer Festival in Kodaira" on Saturday, August 4th at the Seibu Shinjuku Line Kodaira Station Rotary. Please come and join us!

[8/3 (Fri) Update] Manato SHINADA will be participating!

□Event Name
"2018 Summer Festival in Kodaira"

□Date and Time
8/4 (Sat) 14:00-21:00
※FC Tokyo Player Talk Show & Autograph Session will be held from 18:00 to 18:30.

Seibu Shinjuku Line Kodaira Station Front Rotary

□Participating Players

※There is a possibility that participating players and schedules may change suddenly.

◇City Event Schedule here