"The "AO-AKA PARK supported by XFLAG" will be held at the 2019 Meiji Yasuda Life J1 League Sec. 3 match against Sagan Tosu (14:00 kick-off/Ajinomoto Stadium)."
Come visit the newly renovated AO-AKA PARK!
Ajinomoto Stadium South Plaza (Aji Panda Plaza)
【Main Content】
10:45-11:00 Opening Talk
Naohiro ISHIKAWA Club Communicator and TOKYO DOROMPA will appear!
11:45-12:15 Battle on the big screen with "FIFA 19"!
12:45-13:15 Battle on the big screen with "FIFA 19"!
On the day, we are recruiting participants from fans and supporters who come to AO-AKA PARK!
Winners will receive luxurious prizes! Please join us.
・Futsal match with FC Tokyo School Coach!
・FC Tokyo Special Soccer Board
・Mini Soccer Booth
Check out our limited menu and recommended menu!
・Nobiru Cheese Dog
・Sagan Tosu-inspired Saga menu "Saga beef curry"
◇Other details about "AO-AKA PARK supported by XFLAG" can be found here