
Home Opening Match "SNS Support Campaign" Announcement

FC Tokyo has produced a video with the theme of connecting the club and the community for the start of the 2017 season.
And to liven up the home opening game, we will be running a SNS campaign on Twitter and Facebook!

■Post Theme
#fctokyo #region name
⇒Your Connection with Tokyo
※Tokyo includes clubs and regions

For example...
・Favorite FC Tokyo goods and uniforms and local
・FC Tokyo flag in your area
・Blue and red in the city

■How to participate
Please post a still image or video with the hashtags "#fctokyo" and "#region name" on Twitter or Facebook.
The gathered posts will be featured in the "PHOTO GALLERY" section at the bottom of the special website at a later date.

What do you like about FC Tokyo and Tokyo in general? Please share your thoughts!
◇Opening Match Special Site ⇒ here.