"On November 23, Shonan Bellmare will face off against Urawa Reds on November 30, with "AO-AKA PARK supported by XFLAG" being held at two locations: Ajipanda Square and Onigiri Maru Square."
Please note that the taxi drop-off area near the Onigiri Maru Square West Gate will be partially changed.
【Shuttle Bus】
There are no changes to the boarding and alighting locations.
<Before the match>
Due to the current unavailability of the taxi drop-off area near the west gate, please use the drop-off area in the north parking lot.
After the match, the taxi pick-up and drop-off location will remain near the west gate as usual.
◇Access guide to Ajinomoto Stadium here◇11/23 (Sat, holiday) Shonan match shuttle bus and route bus operation information can be found
◇11/30 (Sat) Urawa match shuttle bus and route bus operation information can be found here
2019.11.21[Club Announcement]