[Player Interview]

Q, How was the feeling of playing in a real game for the first time in Tokyo, even though it was a short time?
A, Today was a short time, but there were a lot of positive things. It's my first time, so there are some things I don't understand about Japanese football and Tokyo's style, but the most important thing for me was to move aggressively. There were also scenes where I took the ball and led to a goal. As I continue to play, I think I will understand more about Japanese football and Tokyo's concept, and I myself have been away from the game for about three months, so there were many positive gains in that sense.
Q, the goal scene was initiated by PEROTTI's hard work.
A, My playing style is to play devotedly on the pitch as you can see today. Since I was a child, scoring goals was the best, but I have always valued contributing to the team even if I couldn't score. What I can promise to everyone is to give my all and use all my strength until the end of the remaining time. Of course, this applies not only to soccer, but also to other sports and life in general.
Q, when I see that hard work, I feel that the fans and supporters are also strongly pushing me forward.
A, I want to become 100% myself in various aspects, but it's not something that can be easily achieved, so I want to calmly endure and continue preparing. I will do my best to become 100% as soon as possible.
Q, Have you ever watched a Tokyo game at Ajinomoto Stadium?
A, I have watched several games and received information about Tokyo's playing style and what kind of play is needed for my position last season. However, I think there is a difference between playing in a game and watching it. Nevertheless, I have received information firmly.
Q, What kind of play do you want to show in front of nearly 30,000 spectators?
A, there is no change from before. As you saw today, I think I have to do what I can. In that, I want to show a fighting attitude. Today as well, I still think my condition is not good and my playing time was short, but I want to show a fighting attitude for the team inside the stadium after the season starts.
Q, Is there any place where you feel you have blended in with the team?
A, I was worried that many things would be difficult when I came to Japan, but thanks to everyone, I was able to smoothly join the team. One of the reasons for this is that there are other Brazilian players who have helped me in various ways. I also receive great support from interpreters Iino-san and Kobayashi-san. I was able to fit in more than I expected, and I was also worried about the food, but I can eat more than I thought. I don't understand the language at all (laughs), but I want to continue to build good relationships with Japanese players.
Q, please tell us the reason why you chose Japan as your new destination.
A, We Brazilian players hope to play overseas, and I also hope to play overseas. Before coming to Japan, I played in Portugal. Around 2016, I heard about the greatness of Japanese soccer and culture from players who had experience playing in Japan, and I always wanted to play in Japan. I am grateful to have been able to fulfill this wish with the help of many people, and now that I am here, I believe it is up to me to do my best.
<Hisatoshi NISHIDO>

Q, please review the goal scene.
A, thanks to the hard work of the players around me, I was able to score by getting the ball in my area.
Q, the shot was also with the opposite foot.
A, when I carried the ball forward, the touch became too big and the angle disappeared, but I could see the shooting course a little, so when I shot with my right foot, it flew to the exact spot I wanted. Usually, I can't hit where I want, but today I hit where I aimed.
Q, Was it good that you were able to participate in the game and produce results even though the team joined late?
A, I think it's a positive thing that we were able to produce results like today while being enthusiastic from here. However, I only played for a short time today, and there are still physically challenging parts, so personally, I think I need to improve my condition more.
Q, do you feel confident playing as a second top today?
A, I also watched last season's games, so I have a certain image in my head. Whether I can actually perform on the pitch is another matter, so I will always be aware of my surroundings and use my head more than usual, and do my best in the position given to me.
Q, how do you feel about being asked to compete for a starting position as a key player?
A, I want to grow enough to overcome that big wall with such amazing players and join the team.
Q, what do you need to do for that?
A, it's the quality of the finish that we do in our usual practice. I'm told by those around me, but I still think that the quality is low, so I think it's important to earn the trust of those around me in those areas. I want to improve the quality by focusing on each shot, cross, and pass in practice and earning the trust of my teammates. Even if I happen to get results in a game, it won't help me create my position, so I want to focus on building up the quality day by day.
Q: There is one more game during the camp period, how do you want to spend it?
A, as a team, we need to accept today's game result and focus on the next practice game. We have to win in order to enter the league, and we want to finish the Miyazaki camp in a good shape. Personally, I want to contribute with goals and assists.
Q: There was a story about a senior's big wall, but what kind of movements are you learning from your senior?
When entering the wing, there are times when the movements overlap with the side back, so I am learning to observe the surrounding players and adjust my movements. I believe that by communicating with my teammates and adjusting our movements, we can achieve more effective positioning and movements.
Q, even during practice, there is a strong image of the team's voice rising when Nishido is present. I think he has a good relationship with his teammates.
A, I also participated in last season's camp, so in a sense, I was used to it and there were many players who were familiar faces to the team, and there were also many great seniors and the atmosphere was good, so it's easy for me to talk to them even though I'm younger. I think that's why we were able to build our current relationship.
Q, I feel like there were more voices on the pitch after Nishido entered the game.
A, Speaking of today's match, other players were also fired up and giving off a very positive aura. I think that's why there were also a lot of voices on the pitch.
<Tsubasa TERAYAMA>

Q, although it was a short playing time, do you think you were able to make good plays?
It was a short playing time of 20 minutes, but I thought it was a chance to test how much I could do in a difficult time. I think it was what the coach was looking for, and I think I was able to show some of my play, but I also think I could have done more.
Q, During the times when the team lacked energy, I think there were natural voices that encouraged the team to bounce back once Terayama and the other players joined. Were you conscious of that?
A, all the players who entered the pitch together had the desire to change the flow. When Coach Sato asked us to change the flow, that one word turned on my switch. I think the players who came in later also entered with the intention of changing the flow, which resulted in a good outcome. It was important for us to win during the time we were on the field, and I think we played a good game.
Q: How do you plan to appeal in the remaining matches until the opening?
A, first of all, I think I need to show more of my strengths. We need to take on the challenges that came up in today's game, both as a team and as individuals. In the remaining game against Hiroshima, I believe it is important to focus on both the results and the performance. I want to play while being aware of my strengths and aiming for the team to win.
Q, the competition for positions is also fierce.
A, I think I need to do more and more, and there are many good players, so I want to learn a lot, make it my own, and become a presence that can break into the starting lineup.

Q: What did you focus on during today's match?
A, as the opening game approaches, I was conscious of making my own characteristics stand out and adjusting to my teammates.
Q, What is the feature, is it dribbling?
A, yes. I think I'm a dribbler, so I'm conscious of showing my characteristics more and more, otherwise my value will disappear, so I'm especially focused on doing it.
Q: Do you feel confident that you can compete at a professional level after practicing for a while?
I feel it when I can bring it to my favorite form with dribble, but when I can't bring it to my form, I struggle, so I want to increase the number of times I can bring it to my form.
Q, Do you consciously feel like you have a similar image to Mitsumata player in terms of how you use your right foot?
A, I am not referencing it because it is already in that dribble form. I am trying to stick to my own style.
Q, do you have a strong desire to showcase your strengths as a player, as the ability to peel off individually is a crucial aspect in today's football?
A, yes, strong. I think there are few players like that, so I hope to increase my value by making it my own characteristic.
Q, Is there a reason why you started to excel at dribbling?
A, I started playing soccer because of my older brother's influence when I was young, but after watching his playing style, I wanted to become a player who was good at dribbling like him. Also, among the various soccer players I saw, I was fascinated by players with amazing dribbling skills like Messi and Neymar, and naturally started practicing dribbling.
Q, with only 3 weeks left until the opening, what do you want to appeal?
A, I want to appeal to the team as a player who can show their characteristics and be needed by the team, and also score and help the team win.
Q, Are you participating in Nagatomo Juku?
A, participating. I am learning from player Nagatomo about how to use my lower body.
Q, How is the environment where you can learn from Nagatomo?
A, I am very happy. I think it's wonderful to be able to learn from players who have been competing on the world stage.
Q, do you also have the possibility of working on the same side? Are you receiving any advice?
A, they understand my strengths and encourage me to take more initiative, creating an easy environment for me to work in.