2020.2.17[Club Announcement]

About Infection Prevention Measures During Home Games

At FC Tokyo, in order to prevent and contain the spread of infectious diseases that are currently prevalent, we kindly ask all visitors to cooperate with the following measures for the time being.

①If you are not feeling well or have poor physical condition, please refrain from attending the game.

If you feel unwell or your physical condition deteriorates inside the stadium, please call out to the nearest staff member.

③We have prepared disinfectant at each entrance gate, but the number of preparations is limited, so please prepare it yourself.

Please cooperate with the "cough etiquette" by covering your mouth and nose with a mask, tissue, handkerchief, or sleeve when coughing or sneezing.

In addition, our staff may be wearing masks to prevent infection and spread to everyone.
Thank you for your understanding.

Please note that the events for each member (high touch & practice observation, hand with hand) will not be held for the time being.