2015.12.14[Club Announcement]

[Members Only] "Big Thank You Day ~Thank you Tokyo for this season too!~" Charity Auction Bidding Results

11/22 (Sat) Results of the "Big Thank You Day ~ Thank you Tokyo this season too!" Charity Auction held at the Tosu match will be announced. The winning bidder will be contacted by the club at a later date. The proceeds from this auction will be used to support disaster-affected areas through "Team as ONE".

※Bidding Deadline: December 7th, 2015 (Monday) 17:00
*Details of the charity auction can be found here

Listed Items
[Items for Sale/Highest Bid (as of 12/7)]
No.1 Shuichi GONDA...30,000 yen
No.2 Yuhei TOKUNAGA...50,000 yen
No.3 Masato MORISHIGE...111,111 yen
No.4 Hideto TAKAHASHI...55,000 yen
No.5 Yuichi MARUYAMA...50,000 yen
No.6 Kosuke OTA...100,000 yen *Lottery for 2 players with the same amount
No.7 Takuji YONEMOTO...35,500 yen
No.8 Hirotaka MITA...35,100 yen
No.9 Sota HIRAYAMA...35,000 yen
No.10 Yohei KAJIYAMA...33,333 yen
No.13 Tatsuya ENOMOTO...13,133 yen
No.16 Nathan BURNS...50,000 yen
No.17 Hiroki KAWANO...31,500 yen
No.18 Naohiro ISHIKAWA...52,500 yen
No.19 Tsubasa HIRAOKA...30,004 yen
No.20 Ryoichi MAEDA...55,556 yen
No.21 Sandasa...30,000 yen
No.22 Naotaka HANYU...32,222 yen
No.23 Yohei HAYASHI...33,000 yen
No.24 Wataru SASAKI...19,900 yen
No.25 Ryoya OGAWA...28,000 yen
No.27 Sohmin TANABE...27,000 yen
No.28 Shiyuto KONO...30,000 yen
No.29 Ikken YOSHIMOTO...32,800 yen
No.31 Kentaro KAKU...18,531 yen
No.33 Tatsuki NARA...25,000 yen
No.34 Hideyuki NOZAWA...32,400 yen
No.37 Kentaro HASHIMOTO...73,737 yen
No.38 Keigo HIGASHI...38,000 yen
No.39 Shoya NAKAJIMA...139,999 yen
No.46 Aburamofu BRADA...35,000 yen
No.50 Riku MATSUDA...55,000 yen