2018.4.03[Club Announcement]

[Report] Regarding "East Japan Great Earthquake and Kumamoto Earthquake Disaster Relief J-League TEAM AS ONE Simultaneous Fundraising"

FC Tokyo would like to report on the "East Japan Earthquake and Kumamoto Earthquake Disaster Relief J-League TEAM AS ONE Joint Fundraising" that was conducted during the J1 and J3 league home games in March (a total of 5 games). We have received the total amount of donations from everyone, and we would like to report it as follows. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to not only FC Tokyo fans and supporters, but also to the many fans and supporters of visiting teams, as well as those involved, for their cooperation.

Total Donation Amount
313,874 yen

Donation Destination
J League TEAM AS ONE Donation
※ For more details on this fundraising, click here

□ About "J League TEAM AS ONE Collective Fundraising"
"J League TEAM AS ONE Joint Fundraising" is an initiative by all J League clubs to support the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Kumamoto Earthquake. By all clubs working together, we embody the spirit of "AS ONE" and reaffirm our commitment to continue supporting recovery efforts together as players, clubs, and the league.
In addition, the funds collected at the J-League TEAM AS ONE donation box will be used as the source for recovery support activities (such as community outreach, soccer lessons, and hometown invitations) for the disaster areas and victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Kumamoto Earthquake conducted by the J-League/J-Clubs.

※Please check the J-League official website for details.