2018.9.25[Club Announcement]

Announcement of ECO Photo Campaign Season 2 to commemorate the sale of ECO pass bags!

FC Tokyo is pleased to announce the ECO Photo Campaign Season 2 in celebration of the sale of ECO Pass Bags.

'ECO Pass Project in Ajinomoto' We will present a signed goods by Naohiro ISHIKAWA, the club communicator, to the winners selected from those who posted photos and videos about the project on SNS!

We are waiting for your posts!

Regarding the sale of ECO pass bags, please click here.

【Event Period】
Sep 29 (Sat) - Nov 30 (Fri)

【Application Method】《Application Method on Twitter and Instagram》
(1) Follow the official FC Tokyo account on Twitter or Instagram
※FC Tokyo Official Twitter Account is here
※FC Tokyo Official Instagram Accounthere
(2)Take photos and videos related to "ECO Pass Project in Ajinomoto"
(3)Post photos and videos with "#fctokyo" and "#ECO Pass Project" tags!
※Winners will be notified via direct message on Twitter and Instagram.

[Photo Example]

FC Tokyo 20th Anniversary Commemorative Uniform (Replica)…1 person

Naohiro Ishikawa Retirement Commemorative Work "NAO18 It's my life2000-2017 NAOHIRO ISHIKAWA" (DVD)...2 people

Photo book "NAO ~THE STORY OF NUMBER 18~"...2 people

※ All prize winners' names & Naohiro ISHIKAWA club communicator signed

・Those who have posted within the implementation period will be eligible.
・Winning announcements and product shipments are scheduled for early December, but there may be delays without notice.
・Posted photos may be used on the special website, stadium and other facilities, and other events hosted by FC Tokyo.
・The contents that were announced in advance may be subject to change without prior notice. Please be aware of this.

【'ECO Pass Project in Ajinomoto'】
When you throw away a finished PET bottle as garbage, it becomes garbage as expected.
However, if sorted and collected, it can be reused as a resource. FC Tokyo is actively working with TEIJIN FRONTIER Co., Ltd. to sort and collect garbage, and the amount of PET bottle collected this season has reached 4,090kg (as of the end of August 2018).
We ask for the cooperation of all fans and supporters in effectively utilizing resources.

【'ECO Pass Project in Ajinomoto' Symbol Mark】
The heart represents "compassion", the three curves represent "three generations", and the circular shape represents "the earth". This symbol was created with the intention of creating a project that promotes compassion across generations and regions.
Blue and red represent FC Tokyo colors, symbolizing FC Tokyo's commitment to environmental issues as the center of the project.